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Depraved social commentary on a depraved society, resting on the edge of obliteration by Higher Celestial Forces. The end times are near. Let's Party!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today I am Ozymandias.

That is, Ozymandias the character from Watchmen. Not Ozymandias the Egyptian ruler-slash-pseudo-god.

This is a reference to the scene (in both the book and the film) in which he is sitting before a wall of television screens, watching them in unison, observing the subtle messages and suggestions of the programs and adverts, and forming not only a strong hypothesis, but an accurate forecast of society and the directions it's following.

And now, with thirty-some browser windows open, iTunes engaged, two chat windows open, two word files open, the television on, and my phone receiving texts, I AM HE.

If only I had the time and dedication to take this habit further and push myself into achieving 100% potential. I could be the strongest man, the smartest man, the wealthiest, and own a truly superior playlist.

And my alien squid monster will solve the cold war crisis.